Not Within but Around- other structures in brain create new circuits

Not Within but Around-  other structures in brain create new circuits

Researchers at UCLA “found that parts of the prefrontal cortex take over when the hippocampus, the brain’s key center of learning and memory formation, is disabled. Their breakthrough discovery, the first demonstration of such neural-circuit plasticity, could potentially help scientists develop new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and other conditions involving damage to the brain.”

One thought on “Not Within but Around- other structures in brain create new circuits

  1. I love our brains. Since this capability has been reaffirmed, I now hope that research turns to looking for the “ingredients” to stimulate synaptogenesis in patients with conditions involving brain damage. I know the initial assault or onset of the disease illicit some increased synaptogenesis, but there’s plenty of room to further encourage the process.

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